Italian Coins For Sale - Page 5 - ARSANTIQVA

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Italian Coins For Sale - Page 5

Italian Coins
Kingdom of Sardinia / Königreich Sardinien / Reino de Cerdeña / Royaume de Sardaigne / Regno di Sardegna, Charles Felix of Sardinia / Karl Felix (Sardinien-Piemont) / Carlos Félix de Cerdeña (Carlos Félix José María de Saboya) / Charles-Félix de Savoie / CARLO FELICE, 1821-1831, 5 LIRE, Issue: 1826, Zecca di Torino / Mint of Turin (Turín), Rif. bibl. / References: Pagani, 71; Metal: AR / SILVER / SILBER / PLATA / ARGENT, gr. 24,94, (MI30069), Diam.: mm. 37,14, qSPL / near EF
€ 420,00

Kingdom of Italy / Königreich Italien / Reino de Italia / Royaume d'Italie / Regno d'Italia, Victor Emmanuel II King of Italy / Viktor Emanuel II. König von Italien / Víctor Manuel II rey de Italia / Victor-Emmanuel II roi d'Italie / VITTORIO EMANUELE II, 1861-1878, 5 LIRE, Issue: 1874, Zecca di Milano / Mint of Milan (Mailand / Milán), Rif. bibl. / References: Pagani, 498; Metal: AR / SILVER / SILBER / PLATA / ARGENT, gr. 25,02, (MI89896), Diam.: mm. 37,35, qFDC / near UNCIRCULATED
€ 400,00

Italian Eritrea / Kolonie Eritrea / Eritrea italiana / Érythrée italienne ou colonie d'Érythrée / Colonia Eritrea, Humbert I King of Italy / Humbert I. König von Italien / Humberto I de Saboya rey de Italia / Humbert Ier (roi d'Italie) / UMBERTO I, 1890-1896, LIRA, Issue: 1891, Zecca di Roma / Mint of Rome (Rom), Rif. bibl. / References: Pagani, 635; Metal: AR / SILVER / SILBER / PLATA / ARGENT,, gr. 5,00, (MI108203), Diam.: mm. 23,38, qFDC / near UNCIRCULATED
€ 400,00

Grand Duchy of Tuscany / Großherzogtum Toskana / Gran Ducado de Toscana / Grand-duché de Toscane / Granducato di Toscana, Pietro Leopoldo I (Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor) / Leopold I. (Pietro Leopoldo d’Asburgo-Lorena, Leopold II. HRR) / Pedro Leopoldo de Lorena (Leopoldo II del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico) / Léopold Ier (Léopold II, empereur des Romains) / PIETRO LEOPOLDO DI LORENA, 1765-1790, FRANCESCONE, Issue: 1768, Zecca di Firenze / Mint of Florence (Florenz / Florencia), Rif. bibl. / References: C.N.I., 14; Metal: AR / SILVER / SILBER / PLATA / ARGENT, gr. 27,27, (MZ79037), Diam.: mm. 42,27, BB / VF, (RR)
€ 400,00

Genoa / Genua / Génova / Gênes / Genova, Doges elected for two years / Dogen für jeweils zwei Jahre gewählt / Los dux bienales (Dogos) / Les doges biennaux / PERIODO DEI DOGI BIENNALI, 1637-1797, SCUDO, Issue: 1675, Zecca di Genova / Mint of Genoa (Genua / Génova / Gênes), Rif. bibl. / References: Lunardi, 260; Metal: AR / SILVER / SILBER / PLATA / ARGENT, gr. 38,11, (MZ92476), BB / VF, (R)
€ 400,00

Kingdom of the Two Sicilies / Königreich beider Sizilien / Reino de las Dos Sicilias / Royaume des Deux-Sicile / Regno delle due Sicilie, Francis I of the Two Sicilies / Franz I. (Sizilien) / Francisco I de las Dos Sicilias / François Ier (roi des Deux-Siciles) / FRANCESCO I DI BORBONE 1825-1830, 60 GRANA, Issue: 1826, Zecca di Napoli / Mint of Naples (Neapel / Nápoles), Rif. bibl. / References: Pagani, 115a; Metal: AR / SILVER / SILBER / PLATA / ARGENT, gr. 13,77, (MZ40007), Diam.: mm 31,97 qBB / near VF, (R)
€ 400,00

Principality of Lucca and Piombino / Fürstentum Lucca und Piombino / Principado de Lucca y Piombino / Principauté de Lucques et Piombino / Principato di Lucca e Piombino, Felice Pasquale Baciocchi Levoy and Elisa Bonaparte Baciocchi / Elise Bonaparte und Felice Baciocchi / Elisa Bonaparte y Félix Bacciocchi (Félix Pascal Bacciocchi) / Félix Baciocchi et Élisa Bonaparte / FELICE ED ELISA BONAPARTE BACIOCCHI, 1805-1814, FRANCO (UN FRANC), Issue: 1808, Zecca di Firenze / Mint of Florence (Florenz / Florencia), Rif. bibl. / References: Pagani, 258; Metal: AR / SILVER / SILBER / PLATA / ARGENT, gr. 4,98, (MZ117730), Diam.: mm. 22,26, mSPL / good EF
€ 400,00

Kingdom of Italy / Königreich Italien / Reino de Italia / Royaume d'Italie / Regno d'Italia, Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy / Viktor Emanuel III. König von Italien / Víctor Manuel III rey de Italia / Victor-Emmanuel III roi d'Italie / VITTORIO EMANUELE III, 1900-1943, 20 LIRE, Littore, Issue: 1927 AN VI, Zecca di Roma / Mint of Rome (Rom), Rif. bibl. / References: Pagani, 672; Metal: AR / SILVER / SILBER / PLATA / ARGENT, gr. 15,04, (MI123322), Diam.: mm. 35,46, SPL / EF (NC)
€ 390,00

Kingdom of Italy / Königreich Italien / Reino de Italia / Royaume d'Italie (Royaume de Napoléon) / Regno d'Italia, Milan / Mailand / Milán / Milano, NAPOLEON I / NAPOLEON I. / Napoleón / Napoléon Ier / NAPOLEONE I BONAPARTE, King of Italy / König von Italien / Rey de Italia / Roi d'Italie / Re d'Italia, 1805-1814, 5 LIRE, Issue: 1809, Zecca di Milano / Mint of Milan (Mailand / Milán), Rif. bibl. / References: Pagani, 27; Metal: AR / SILVER / SILBER / PLATA / ARGENT, gr. 24,99, (MI67549), Diam.: mm 36,78, qSPL / near EF
€ 380,00

Kingdom of Sardinia / Königreich Sardinien / Reino de Cerdeña / Royaume de Sardaigne / Regno di Sardegna, Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia / Viktor Emanuel I. / Víctor Manuel I de Cerdeña / Victor-Emmanuel Ier de Savoie / VITTORIO EMANUELE I, 1814-1821, 5 LIRE, Issue: 1817, Zecca di Torino / Mint of Turin (Turín), Rif. bibl. / References: Pagani, 11; Metal: AR / SILVER / SILBER / PLATA / ARGENT, gr. 24,81, (MI125882), Diam.: mm. 36,13, BB / VF, (R)
€ 380,00

Kingdom of Naples / Königreich Neapel / Reino de Nápoles / Royaume de Naples / Regno di Napoli, Charles III of Spain / Karl III. (Spanien) / Carlos III de España / Charles III (roi d'Espagne) / CARLO I DI BORBONE, 1734-1759, 120 GRANA, Issue: 1753, Zecca di Napoli / Mint of Neaples, Rif. bibl. / References: Pannuti-Riccio, 31; Metal: AR / SILVER / SILBER / PLATA / ARGENT, gr. 25,04, (MZ88398), Diam.: mm. 41,92, qBB / near VF
€ 360,00

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