Byzantine Coins For Sale - ARSANTIQVA

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Byzantine Coins For Sale

Byzantine coins: solidus of Constans II offered by Arsantiqva
Byzantine Empire (ancient byzantine coins) / Byzantinisches Reich / Византийская империя (Vizantiyskaya imperiya) / Imperio bizantino (Bizancio) / Empire byzantin (Empire romain d'Orient) / Impero Bizantino, Constans II and Constantine IV / Konstans II. und Konstantin IV. / Констант II и Константин IV / Constante II y Constantino IV / Constant II et Constantin IV, Costante II e Costantino IV, 641-668 AD, Solidus (Aureus Solidus) / Солид / Sólido bizantino / SOLIDO, Issue: 659-668 AD, D/ D N CONSTANTINVS CONSTANTINIU, busti frontali di Costante e Costantino IV con corona e clamide (D N CONSTANTINVS CONSTANTINIU, crowned busts of Constans II and Constantinus IV facing, wearing clamys; between heads, cross), R/ VICTORIA AVGU#G#, CONOB, croce potente su globo poggiato su quattro gradini tra le figure stanti di Eraclio a sinistra e Tiberio a destra (VICTORIA AVGU#G#, standing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius facing, wearing clamys and holding globe cruciger; between them, cross potent on three steps; below, CONOB), Zecca di Siracusa / Mint of Syracuse (Syrakus / Сиракуза), Rif. bibl. / References: Sear, 1084; M.I.B., 94; Metal: AU / GOLD / золото (zoloto) / OR / ORO, gr. 4,33, (MB127540), Diam.: mm. 18,91, SPL / EF
PROVENANCE: Ex Bertolami 29 n. 669.
Piccolo difetto nel tondello al D. / Small defect in the flan on the obverse
L'esemplare dispone dell'attestato di libera circolazione. The item can be exported from Italy with valid documentation.
€ 950,00

Byzantine Empire (ancient byzantine coins) / Byzantinisches Reich / Imperio bizantino (Bizancio) / Empire byzantin (Empire romain d'Orient) / Impero Bizantino, Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos (Porphyrogenitus) and Romanos II (Romanus II) / Konstantin VII. Porphyrogennetos (Porphyrogenitus) und Romanos II. / Constantino VII Porfirogéneta y Romano II / Constantin VII Porphyrogénète et Romain II / COSTANTINO VII con ROMANO II, 945-959, Solidus (Aureus Solidus) / Sólido bizantino / SOLIDO, Issue: 913-959, D/ IhS XPS ReX ReGNANTYM, Busto di Gesù regge il Vangelo (+ IhS XPS REX REGNANTIVm, facing bust of Christ Pantokrator), R/ CONSTANT CE ROMAN AYGG b R, Costantino VII e Romano II, diademati, reggono una croce patriarcale (COSTAnT´ CE ROmA AVGG b R, crowned facing busts of Constantine VII, wearing loros, and Romanus II, wearing chlamys, holding patriarchal cross between them), Zecca di Costantinopoli / Mint of Constantinople (Konstantinopel / Constantinopla), Rif. bibl. / References: Sear, 1750; D.O., 14; Metal: AU / GOLD / OR / ORO, gr. 4,38, (MB127355), Diam.: mm. 20,11, mBB / good VF
PROVENANCE: Ex Paoletti e Bernardi 1, n. 104.
L'esemplare dispone dell'attestato di libera circolazione. The item can be exported from Italy with valid documentation.
€ 890,00

Byzantine coins: solidus of Constans II offered by Arsantiqva
Byzantine Empire (ancient byzantine coins) / Byzantinisches Reich / Византийская империя (Vizantiyskaya imperiya) / Imperio bizantino (Bizancio) / Empire byzantin (Empire romain d'Orient) / Impero Bizantino, Constans II / Konstans II. / Констант II / Constante II / Constant II / COSTANTE II, 641-668 AD, Solidus (Aureus Solidus) / Солид / Sólido bizantino / SOLIDO DA 23 SILIQUE, Issue: 641-668 AD, D/ D N CONSTANTINYS PP AVC, Busto diademato e clamidato frontale con globo crucigero (dN CONSTAN – TINVS PP AV, crowned bust with long beard facing, wearing chlamys, globe cruciger in right hand), R/ VICTORIA AVSYH, CONOB +, croce potenziata su gradini; stella nel campo (VICTORIA – AVÇЧ, cross potent on three steps, star in right field, CONOB+, officina H), Zecca di Costantinopoli / Mint of Constantinople (Konstantinopel / Константинополь / Konstantinopol'skiy / Constantinopla), Rif. bibl. / References: Sear, 978; M.I.B., 47; Metal: AU / GOLD / золото (zoloto) / OR / ORO, gr. 4,27, (MB127349), Diam.: mm. 19,27, mBB / good VF, (NC)
PROVENANCE: Ex Paoletti e Bernardi 1, n. 64.
L'esemplare presenta acuni graffiti / The exemplar presents minor graffiti
L'esemplare dispone dell'attestato di libera circolazione. The item can be exported from Italy with valid documentation.
€ 830,00

Byzantine Empire (ancient byzantine coins) / Byzantinisches Reich / Imperio bizantino (Bizancio) / Empire byzantin (Empire romain d'Orient) / Impero Bizantino, Heraclius / Herakleios / Heraclio / Héraclius Ier / ERACLIO, 610-641 AD, Solidus (Aureus Solidus) / Sólido bizantino / SOLIDO, Issue: 610-613 AD, D/ D N heRACLIYS PP AVC, Busto elmato, diademato e corazzato frontale con croce nella destra (d N hERACLI-ЧS PP AVC, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Heraclius facing, holding cross), R/ VICTORIA AVSY#e#, CONOB, croce potenziata su gradini (VICTORIA AvςЧ, cross potent set on three steps, CONOB, officina E), Zecca di Costantinopoli / Mint of Constantinople (Konstantinopel / Constantinopla), Rif. bibl. / References: Sear, 731; M.I.B., 5; Metal: AU / GOLD / OR / ORO, gr. 4,49, (MB127345), Diam.: mm. 21,06, SPL / EF
PROVENANCE: Ex Paoletti e Bernardi 1, n. 44.
L'esemplare dispone dell'attestato di libera circolazione. The item can be exported from Italy with valid documentation.
€ 740,00

Byzantine coins: semis of Theophilus offered by Arsantiqva
Byzantine Empire (ancient byzantine coins) / Byzantinisches Reich / Византийская империя (Vizantiyskaya imperiya) / Imperio bizantino (Bizancio) / Empire byzantin (Empire romain d'Orient) / Impero Bizantino, Theophilos (Theophilus) / Феофил / Teófilo / Théophile / TEOFILO, 829-842 AD, Semis (SEMISSIS) / Семис / SEMISSE, Issue: 831-842 AD, D/ #Q#EOFILOS, Busto diademato e clamidato regge un globo crucigero, R/ #Q#EOFILOS, Busto diademato e loricato regge un globo crucigero, Zecca di Siracusa / Mint of Syracuse (Syrakus / Сиракуза), Rif. bibl. / References: Sear, 1673; D.O., 26a; Metal: AU / GOLD / Золото / OR / ORO, gr. 1,73, (MB126209), Diam.: mm. 12,43, qFDC  / near UNCIRCULATED
L'esemplare dispone dell'attestato di libera circolazione. The item can be exported from Italy with valid documentation.
€ 420,00

Byzantine Empire (ancient byzantine coins) / Byzantinisches Reich / Imperio bizantino (Bizancio) / Empire byzantin (Empire romain d'Orient) / Impero Bizantino, Michael VII Doukas (Dukas / Ducas / Parapinakēs) / Michael VII. Dukas oder Parapinakes / Miguel VII Ducas (Miguel Parapinaces) / Michel VII Doukas Parapinace / Michele VII Duca (Ducas / Parapinace), 1071-1078, FOLLIS, Issue: 1071-1078, D/ busto frontale di Cristo nimbato (IC-XC at top left and top right of nimbate bust of Christ facing, nimbate cross behind head, right hand raised, holding book of gospels in left hand, star to left, star to right), R/ busto frontale di Michele VII (MIXAHL RACIL O D, bearded bust of Michael VII facing, wearing crown and loros, holding labarum and cross on globe), Zecca di Costantinopoli / Mint of Constantinople (Konstantinopel / Constantinopla), Rif. bibl. / References: Sear, 1878; D.O., 14a-c; Metal: AE, gr. 9,50, (MB125854), Diam.: mm. 26,84, mBB / good VF
PROVENANCE: Ex Savoca Coins Online Auction 10 n. 817, ex Gorny & Mosch 151, n. 2614.
L'esemplare dispone dell'attestato di libera circolazione. The item can be exported from Italy with valid documentation.
€ 330,00

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